
The TwoGirlsTurningThirty Story

Most of you are probably wondering what this whole blog is all about.  So here’s a little background…

Mary Hall & I met the summer before we started 9th grade and since then we’ve done lots together from the silliness of youth-group retreats and High-school extra curricular activities to traveling overseas, planning weddings and even being roommates on several different occasions as adults.

We’ve talked about doing a blog before, but with our crazy lives, it just hasn’t seemed to happen…until December of 2011 when we were both still 29.  Mary-Hall emailed me one day about this idea she had…since our birthdays are just 5 days apart (August 9th and August 14th), why didn’t we each make a list of “30 things to do before we turn 30.”  We could blog about it which would be a fun way to make sure we actually stayed on track, and share our adventures along the way.  We decided that New Year’s day of 2012 made a great “launch” date for our lists…which gave us each a little over 9 months and a week to complete our respective lists.  {To view our lists, check them out here:  Bethany’s 30×30 List and Mary-Hall’s 30×30 List}

When we both hit the big 3-0 in the middle of August, neither of us were quite finished with our lists so we gave ourselves an extension deadline to January 1, 2012.  We still came up a little short on completing our respective lists, but we had an amazing year for sure accomplishing things we never thought we could accomplish.  We ran races, became better cooks, creatively spent time with our families, posted old photos that probably should never have seen the light of day, saw new parts of the world, DIYed everything from furniture to costumes for toddlers, and were thankful for every step along the way.

After all that we accomplished, it seemed a shame to close the doors on our blog project entirely….but there was one obvious problem.  We’re no longer “Two Girls Turning Thirty.”  We ARE thirty.  And after playing around with every potentially clever name involving Two Girls and alliteration and words that rhyme with “Thirty” we decided to keep it simple.  Who are we? We’re two girls.  And we blog.  So we decided to embrace the obvious and relaunch after a month-long hiatus with a new name.  twogirlsblog.com  Because simple is sometimes all you need.

So,…..welcome!  Feel free to use the categories on the sidebar to scroll through our past adventures, and then be sure to follow us as we bring you more crafts, recipes, travels, stories, mishaps and whatnot.

-Bethany & Mary Hall
(the two girls who turned thirty and now blog)

P.S.  A few more interesting tidbits here.

7 responses to “About”

  1. Carley Dear says :

    So I should be working right now, but when I saw this blog of 2 Girls Turning 30 thought I’d have to check it out… 30 is great! No more of the teens–Whoo! No more of the 20s waffling around. At 30, you know what you want and have the skills to do it (the time and money thing is the hard part.) Good luck to your pre-30 “bucket lists!”

    • maryhalljohnson says :

      Amen and amen on the “time and money” caveat. So true! I will say, Mrs Dear, that when Baby starts sleeping 12 hours per night, you will feel like you have more free time than you’ve ever had in your entire life. I did anyway! Basically still do!

  2. lostdododesigns says :

    Hi there! I recently discovered your blog and I think it’s really a unique idea so I just wanted you to know that I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! You can check out what it’s about at: http://lostdododesigns.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/the-versatile-blogger-award/.

  3. Terri Sheppard Dawson says :

    This last year I wrote a book. It is called Port Honor and released it on Amazon.com on September 20, 2013. So far, I have twenty 5-star reviews plus a lot of additional verbal pats on the back and that is not just from my friends and family.

    Anyway, I am on the hunt to find bloggers that I may beg to please read and review my book. The book is about a young college girl who must come to terms with the death of her grandfather and move on with her life. In moving on she gets a job at a country club on Lake Oconee in Greensboro, GA and falls for her boss. The book is set in 1995-1996 and culminates with the Olympics in Atlanta. It is a romance/Southern Satire/coming of age book. So far, everyone that has read it has loved it, but I need help spreading the word.

    Please take a moment to look at the book on Amazon.com (Port Honor by TS Dawson) and then let me know if you would kindly help me. I will gladly send you an electronic copy if you agree.

    Thank you for your time.

    With Warm Regards,
    TS Dawson

  4. Richard and Mike says :

    Hello, Mary and Bethany! Mike Morrell asked me to contact you because he really appreciates your blog and thinks you’d be an excellent candidate for his Speakeasy Blogger Network. Do you like to review off-the-beaten path faith, spirituality, and culture books? Speakeasy puts interesting books in your hands at no charge to you. You only get books when you request them, and it’s free to join. Sign up here, if you’d like: http://thespeakeasy.info

  5. Greg Hall says :

    My name is Greg Hall and I have been researching my family. I did a google search for Ransom Riley Hall for the 100th time and found this! So it has been a combination of fascinating and weird (in a good way) to see distant cousins. So the Ransom Riley Hall you named your son after is my 3rd great grandfather. His grandson was also named Ransom Riley Hall, my great grandfather. I actually almost gave my son a second middle name Ransom. For a little more background, of course “Ransom” is interpreted to mean redeemer. “Rand” is short for the old Germanic word “Randolph” for shield, “som” means son; therefore, “Ransom” means son of the shield, i.e. Christ as the son of God.
    So I was then taken by your other name choice “Fletcher”. Ransom Riley Hall’s children include my GG grandfather, David Mcanally Hall, and his brother Enoch Fletcher Hall. Another interesting point is that Ransom Riley’s granddaughter Iva Hall married John Jackson Sparkman, US senator from Alabama and Adlai Stevenson’s VP running mate against Eisenhower in the 1952 election. That may be way more than anybody cares to know but there is alot of interesting stuff with various branches of this Hall lineage.

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  1. Jan-term « Two Girls Blog - 02/12/2013

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